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Moriori are the indigenous people of Rēkohu/Rangihaute who
peopled the islands about 1,000 years ago. Traditions tell
us that the founding ancestor of Moriori, Rongomaiwhenua,
came from eastern Polynesia and his younger brother Rongomaitere
sailed on to Aotea (thought to be Aotearoa). Hence there was a period
of voyaging between Aotearoa and Rēkohu which explains the hokopapa/whakapapa
links between Moriori and mainland Māori tribes but our tuakana (elder line)
stems directly from Rongomaiwhenua.
All Moriori today trace our ancestry back to Rongomaiwhenua. What distinguished
Moriori was their adherence to a covenant of peace which they observed for over
500 years and remains a beacon of hope for our people today.
We are in interesting times with Treaty negotiations between the Crown and the Hokotehi Moriori Trust. We are in the process of creating a space for our registered members to log in, see where we are at with negotiations, contribute as members to 'have their say' by engaging in discussions and actions. We want you to be a part of the decisions made, so ensure you are a member by registering now.